This recipe is so simple and delicious. There is no added sugar and it is gluten- and dairy-free. Great as part of a breakfast or brunch. These are savory...
My grandmother was a master housewife. She taught home economics and she could cook. When she cooked this apple red cabbage my brother and I would eat...
Bok choy is a great vegetable for many reasons; it's cheap, it takes about 3 minutes to cook, it has a beautiful subtle sweet flavor, and of course it's...
I have had complaints ( wife) about the way I used to cook broccoli rabe in oil because I use a lot of garlic and it was too heavy and oily. Check...
This is my original recipe. My teenage vegetarian daughter devours these patties as snacks or when made into a sandwich topped with sauce and provolone...
This is my original recipe. My teenage vegetarian daughter devours these patties as snacks or when made into a sandwich topped with sauce and provolone...
This is my original recipe. My teenage vegetarian daughter devours these patties as snacks or when made into a sandwich topped with sauce and provolone...
This is my original recipe. My teenage vegetarian daughter devours these patties as snacks or when made into a sandwich topped with sauce and provolone...
This cabbage is sauteed with onion and jalapeno, and gets an added kick from a pinch of cayenne pepper. A little spicy , but works well with any Southern...
These are fried plantains that have been smashed and fried a second time. It is essential you use very ripe plantains. This recipe is straight from my...
Radishes are typically forgotten as a snack food in the U.S., instead being relegated to being diced up for salads. I recently went to Mexico, where radishes...
Great as an appetizer or a meal. I love broccoli rabe, so I usually do this as an entire meal. To add some variation to this meal, try cooking Italian...
Great as an appetizer or a meal. I love broccoli rabe, so I usually do this as an entire meal. To add some variation to this meal, try cooking Italian...
Always looking for low-carb recipes, I was making my family lasagna and got the idea to make my lasagna in a 'green pepper boat' instead of using noodles....
Always looking for low-carb recipes, I was making my family lasagna and got the idea to make my lasagna in a 'green pepper boat' instead of using noodles....
This is a wonderful dish I created for my family one day. It can be very tasty if you follow instructions carefully. It is a magnificent sidedish for any...
This is a wonderful dish I created for my family one day. It can be very tasty if you follow instructions carefully. It is a magnificent sidedish for any...
This is a wonderful dish I created for my family one day. It can be very tasty if you follow instructions carefully. It is a magnificent sidedish for any...
This cabbage is sauteed with onion and jalapeno, and gets an added kick from a pinch of cayenne pepper. A little spicy , but works well with any Southern...
Red cabbage with apples is a traditional German side dish for pork roast and other roasts, Christmas goose, turkey, and game. It tastes even better when...
Don't know what to do with fresh beets? Marinate and grill them in this wonderful sauce! These go great with grilled meat, and are a colorful and flavorful...
I prefer to use baby bok choy for this recipe, but you can also use large bok choy. The cook time is really quick, so have all the ingredients ready before...
A very simple but totally delicious dish. Fennel is baked with cream, creme fraiche and parmesan cheese. An ideal accompaniment to many tomato based italian...
We tweaked this from several stuffed pepper recipes to come up with a yummy version that tastes even better reheated for lunch the next day. This is a...
This is my original recipe. My teenage vegetarian daughter devours these patties as snacks or when made into a sandwich topped with sauce and provolone...
This is a wonderful dish I created for my family one day. It can be very tasty if you follow instructions carefully. It is a magnificent sidedish for any...